Latest News - - January 22, 2024

Unveiling Episode #2 of Yours, Mine, Away! Podcast’s “Red Hot Save of the Month” Series

In the world of football, goalkeepers are often the unsung heroes, making spectacular saves that can turn the tide of a game. The Yours, Mine, Away! Podcast, hosted by Mark Howard, Wrexham Goalkeeper, has embarked on a thrilling new series – “Red Hot Save of the Month.” In this exciting venture, Mark breaks down and analyses goalkeeper saves from various levels, ranging from grassroots to Sunday league and even five-a-side matches.

How to Participate:

The beauty of this series lies in its inclusivity. All aspiring goalkeepers, regardless of their skill level or the type of match they play, have the chance to be featured on the Yours, Mine, Away! Podcast. To be considered for entry, all you need to do is submit videos of your best goalkeeper saves to the podcast’s social media pages.

Selection Process:

Once the submissions are in, Mark Howard and the production team carefully review and shortlist the most impressive saves. These lucky few are then thoroughly analysed and dissected by Mark on the podcast, providing valuable insights into the art of goalkeeping. From the positioning to the reflexes, Mark leaves no stone unturned in his expert analysis.

The Grand Prize:

What makes this series even more exciting is the grand prize awaiting the winner of each episode. The standout goalkeeper, chosen by Mark Howard, receives a brand new Mito Red Light Mobile Flex. But what exactly is Red Light Therapy?

Exploring Red Light Therapy:

Red and near-infrared (NIR) light therapy, commonly known as red light therapy, is a form of phototherapy that utilizes specific wavelengths of light to induce positive health benefits. This therapy has gained popularity for its diverse applications, including improving skin quality, accelerating wound healing, stimulating hair growth, reducing chronic pain, and enhancing workout recovery times.

The Science Behind Red Light Therapy:

Studies suggest that the beneficial effects of red light therapy are attributed to the stimulative impact these specific wavelengths of light have on mitochondria – the energy center of cells. By enhancing mitochondrial function, red light therapy contributes to a range of health benefits, making it a sought-after tool for both professional athletes and individuals looking to optimize their well-being.

The Yours, Mine, Away! Podcast’s “Red Hot Save of the Month” series not only celebrates the artistry of goalkeeping but also provides a platform for goalkeepers of all levels to showcase their skills. With Mark Howard’s insightful analysis and the enticing grand prize of the Mito Red Light Mobile Flex, this series is a must-follow for football enthusiasts and aspiring goalkeepers alike. So, gear up, submit your best saves, and who knows, you might just be the next goalkeeper to shine in the spotlight!

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